CNC-IUPAC: Canadian
                National Committee for the International Union of Pure
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CNC-IUPAC News                                          

New Elected Member to the IUPAC Bureau
There are now four Canadians on the IUPAC Bureau. Prof. Russell Jaye Boyd, Alexander McLeod Professor of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, was Elected Member of the Bureau of IUPAC at the 47th IPUAC Council Meeting, in Istanbul, Turkey, on August 14-15, 2013.

The other three are: Dr. Bernard West (Chairs of the Committee on Chemistry and Industry, IUPAC), President of Westworks Consulting Limited; Prof. Doug Templeton (Chair of the Project Committee of IUPAC), University of Toronto; and Prof. Ron Weir (Chair of Interdivisional Committee on Terminology), Royal Military College of Canada.

Details can be found on the IUPAC website.

Recent Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) Activities:
Project 2011-053-1-022 from the COCI Great lakes Regional Workshop which aims to improve communications among chemical industries, chemical societies and IUPAC, has been published in the July-August 2014 issue of IUPAC’s news magazine, Chemistry International. The Safety Training programs are a focused activity for COCI in 2013-2015. As one of the initiatives, a young chemical engineer was brought from Egypt to Woodbridge in Mississauga for training. Please contact Dr. West for details:

Upcoming IUPAC-sponsored events in Canada

23rd IUPAC International Conference on Chemistry Education  (ICCE23)
The 23rd IUPAC International Conference on Chemistry Education will take place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on July 13-18, 2014.For more information on the conference, visit the ICCE23 website or send an email to You can also contact the co-chairs of the event:

Prof. Andrew Dicks - Co-chair of the organizing committee, Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto
Prof. Judith C. Poë - Co-chair of the organizing committee, Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences, University of Toronto

The 22nd International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry (ICPOC22)
The 22nd International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry will be held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on August 10-15, 2014. For more information on the conference, visit the ICPOC22 website or contact the organizing committee: >

Prof. Paul M. Mayer – Local Organizing Committee, Department of Chemistry, University of Ottawa

Derek Pratt - Scientific Organizing Committee, Department of Chemistry, University of Ottawa

Young Canadians travel to Turkey to present their work

CNC-IUPAC promotes the IUPAC Prize Awards for the best PhD theses. Several young Canadians have won these prizes and as a result, attended IUPAC Congresses. For 2012, two of the six winners of the IUPAC Prizes for Young Chemists were awarded to Canadians: Dr. Khalid Albahily (University of Ottawa) and Charles Yeung (University of Toronto). These winners each received a cash prize of USD $1000 and travel expenses to enable them to travel to the 44th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, on August 11-16, 2013, to present their work.

Administering a Travel Award program funded in part by the Canadian Company Associates and the CSC Gendron Fund is one of the main ongoing activities of CNC-IUPAC.

More detail in the Awards section.

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