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| CNC-IUPAC Travel Awards for 2020 The Canadian National Committee for IUPAC (CNC-IUPAC) established a program of Travel Awards for young Canadian scientists in 1982. These Awards are financed jointly by the Canadian Society for Chemistry’s Gendron Fund and by CNC-IUPAC’s Company Associates.(www.cnc-iupac.ca) Criteria: The criteria used in making these Awards include evidence of an independent research program, a publication record of high quality and the ability to attract research funding (internal and external). Purpose of the Awards: The purpose of these Awards is to help young scientists and engineers (within 10 years of having gained their PhD) who are currently working at a Canadian institution to present a paper at an IUPAC-sponsored conference outside of Canada. A CNC-IUPAC Travel Award may be received only once. Number of Awards: Since the funds available for these Awards depend on prevailing interest rates, the number made each year varies. Amount of the Award: Up to $2,500, paid in arrears after travel-expense receipts and a 150-word report on the conference have been received by the Secretary. How to Apply: There is no application form. Applications should include:
It is up to the applicant to ensure that his or her request is supported by adequate documentation. Applications should be submitted as one pdf file to the Chair of the Awards Committee: Professor Mark Workentin at mworkent@uwo.ca. Letters of reference should be sent directly to Prof. Workentin by e-mail. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged by return e-mail; if acknowledgement is not received within a few days, contact Prof. Workentin (by e-mail or telephone 519-661-2111 x 86319). Eligible Conferences: A list of IUPAC-sponsored conferences for 2020 can be found on the IUPAC web-site (http://www.iupac.org) and also in Chemistry International, the official IUPAC magazine. Awards are made to attend the conference identified in the application, and no changes are allowed. Deadline for Receipt of Applications: 17 October 2019. Winners will be announced after the December meeting of CNC-IUPAC, and thereafter all enquiries should be directed to the Secretary. Secretary
and Member of CNC-IUPAC:
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